The EC Reign Month by Month 1950-1956
41: December 1953
+ The Best of 1953
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Orlando |
"The Silent Towns" ★★
Story by Ray Bradbury
Adaptation by Al Feldstein
Art by Reed Crandall
"The Freaks" ★★★
Story by Bill Gaines and Al Feldstein
Art by Jack Kamen
"The Fossil" ★★
Story by Bill Gaines and Al Feldstein
Art by Joe Orlando
"Derelict Ship" ★★ 1/2
Story by Bill Gaines and Al Feldstein
Art by Bernie Krigstein
Walter Gripp can’t seem to figure out how the town at the edge of the dead Martian sea has come to be completely abandoned, but what he does know is that the loneliness isn’t sitting well with him. In spite of his reclusive tendencies, Walter finds the empty homes and quiet streets downright eerie, and it doesn’t help that his long-held fantasies of travelling into the town from his shack in the blue Martian hills to find a nice woman to marry are now properly dashed. Hope rekindles when he hears the distant ring of a telephone—but he answers just in time to hear the call end. A mad scramble throughout the town and a frantic quest to literally call every name in the phone book finally yields reward when he connects with a woman who identifies herself as Genevieve Selsor in Marlin Village before the line goes dead. Walter promptly “borrows” a beetle car the next day and zooms out, reasoning that, as a woman, Genevieve would be most likely to hole up in a beauty salon. And there Walter finds her, in abundance. Far from the “clear vaporous mist” he dreamed of, Genevieve is a pulchritudinous horror in Walter’s eyes, and their status as “last man and woman” on Mars is enough to set his skin crawling. As soon as Genevieve shows him the wedding dress she has all picked out, Walter is back in the beetle car zipping for his shack in the hills, where he proceeds to live in contented solitude for all the rest of his days.
I'd cuddle with her. ("The Silent Towns") |
A rare Bradbury adaptation of a more humorous sort, “The Silent Towns” lights a wick of intrigue in a setup that clearly inspired Rod Serling during his composition of The Twilight Zone’s premiere episode, “Where is Everybody?”, (even down to the presence of mannequins) before the story posits the notion of romancing a fat person as being a fate worse than death. As conceived by Reed Crandall, Genevieve isn’t merely overweight but morbidly obese on the order of Charlie Marno from “Dead Right” (Shock SuspenStories 6). But here the jabs at the character's weight seem all the sharper given the context of Walter’s dilemma: he prefers to live with absolutely no human contact rather than have the companionship of someone whom he finds physically repulsive. This attitude wouldn’t necessarily be terrible if we were given any indication that Walter wasn’t someone whom we should be rooting for, but the rest of the story and the “Pop Goes the Weasel”-tune of the last panel tell us that Walter’s decision should be viewed as jovially affirming our long-held beliefs that fat people are gross and should be avoided at all costs.
Working for biscuits. ("The Freaks") |
Thanks for laying it all out for us, guys! ("The Freaks") |
After the chalky taste that “The Silent Towns” left in my mouth, “The Freaks” proved to be just the chaser I needed to wash it down: unabashedly low class and goofy and not at all afraid to admit it. While “The Silent Towns” felt like an assignment that was more suitable to the métier of Jack Kamen, “The Freaks” could have easily been handed off to Graham Ingels for a morbid rebranding of EC’s science fiction stylings, but I’m thankful that it ended up in Kamen’s bin because it lead to the artist conceiving the “special makeup effects” for his star, Bosco the Dog-Faced Boy, possibly the oddest and most distinguishable creation that Kamen ever set to paper. His depiction of Bosco’s trials and travails are the stuff of weepy melodramatics, but damn if they’re not effective. But after Bosco’s surprising Marion Crane-esque first act exit we’re right back in cheap entertainment territory, and the “You’re the freaks now!” clincher that we’ve seen so many times here and abroad somehow manages to feel giddy and wholly satisfying here.
After setting down on a foreign planet, a team of space explorers begin to dig through the crusty terrain where they find a massive bone belonging to an extinct lifeform. The astronauts set to their task with renewed ardor, excavating one gargantuan fossil after another and assembling the bones into a replica of the lifeform Smithsonian-style. Two of the astronauts hypothesize that the spores that brought life to this planet are the same ones that jumpstarted the evolution of their own home when the alien planet erupted eons ago. After the skeletal framework has been fully assembled, the space team begins covering it with patches of synthetic flesh like a very upsetting quilt. Satisfied with their work, the astronauts head back into their ship for the homeward journey, removing the suits that reveal them for the face-torso crustaceans they are as they peer out at the titanic replica of a human infant that they have left behind.
"You maniacs! You blew it up!" ("The Fossil") |
If nothing else in this last issue of Weird Fantasy convinces you that the SF well had run dry for the boys at 225 Lafayette Street by this point, than “The Fossil” will surely get the job done. Laboriously padded even at the minimum 6-page running time, this silly goose of a yarn earns a merit badge on the sole basis of its trippy final panels, throwing a bone to the reader with one last depiction of Joe Orlando’s long-gone mashed-up aliens and the image of a wailing baby patchwork more unnerving in effect than a good many of EC’s horror tales. The furrowed brows it inevitably induces remains as solid a testament as any as to the impression that WF’s swan song leaves upon the reader.
Probably not the best framing for your dramatic death scene. ("Derelict Ship") |
Bernie Krigstein barely has time to get his foot in the door before the monthly SF titles close for good, but “Derelict Ship” still manages to leave just enough of an impression of his unique aesthetic that it’ll either leave you curious for more or thankful the lights are being turned out. Krigstein’s style was one that always felt abrasive to my eyes as a youngster, purist of the classical comic book form that I was, but I’ve been eager to revisit him because I suspect that my opinion of his technique has changed. “Derelict Ship” mostly looks like the work of someone still coming to grips with their artistic identity, but it does sport spare glimpses of Krigstein’s unconventional visualizations. As a story, “Derelict Ship” remains intermittently interesting, spiking up the scale with the introduction of the planet o’ hate-mongers and the softly poignant sound-off. --Jose

Jack: The image of Genevieve in Walter's dream in "The Silent Towns" owes much to illustrations on the covers of old pulp science fiction mags but the reality of the last woman on Mars is something much different. While there is some humor as Walter tries to avoid Genevieve's advances, the story ends up seeming little more than cruel. The Bernie Krigstein we see in "Derelict Ship" seems to be getting his feet wet and the art is inconsistent with flashes of excellence; the story is a good one. Anyone but Kamen would have done a better job with "The Freaks," another story with a cruel streak and an old twist. That leaves "The Fossil," about which the less said, the better: it's talky and boring and the ending falls flat.
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Ingels |
"Wish You Were Here" ★★★★
Story by Al Feldstein
Art by Graham Ingels
"Chess-Mate" ★★★
Story by Al Feldstein
Art by George Evans
"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" ★
Story by Al Feldstein
Art by Jack Kamen
"Model Nephew" ★★
Story by Al Feldstein
Art by Jack Davis
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What could possibly go wrong? ("Wish You Were Here!") |
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Maybe I'll have better luck this time! ("Wish You Were Here!") |
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Ghastly's back in town! ("Wish You Were Here!") |
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*Choke*, indeed. ("Wish You Were Here!") |
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Top hat of the mourning! ("Chess-Mate!") |
Suddenly, the gaiety and the air of festivity that has covered my town like confetti and tinsel, and pink and green streamers is gone, and we all stand about in a hushed terrified silence, staring down at the lifeless body lying in the gutter . . . the body of Zeb Taylor.
Those words draw you in and keep you enthralled right up to the point when we see that Zeb has a second living, breathing head attached to the back of his noggin. Oh, is that all? Evans's heavily-inked, noirish art is gorgeous, some of the best we've seen from him.
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"Chess-Mate!" |
The queen is not a happy woman when her magic mirror tells her that Snow White is the fairest in the land. She immediately sets her axeman on the comely wench but he has a kind heart and allows Snow White to escape. In the woods, Snow White happens upon the cottage of the Seven Dwarfs and, seeing it needs a bit of tidying up, cleans it from stem to stern. The Dwarfs come home from a day of work at the uranium mine and find the buxom beauty asleep across their beds. Snow White begs them to let her stay and, in return, she'll be their housekeeper. The Dwarfs agree and head off to work the next day. The most gorgeous maid in all the land answers a knock on the door and discovers an old woman selling apples. Impetuously, the girl takes a bite and dies of poisoning. The old woman doffs her cloak and we discover that it's actually the seven little imps, who then get to the business of making their cottage messy again. An absolute hunk of rubbish from page one to six, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" only adds fuel to my argument that EC should have left these "Fractured Fables" to the lesser companies. Did Al think the little sight gags (including an upside down message for people who read their comics, um, upside down) and awful rhymes would work just as well in The Haunt of Fear as they did in MAD? Well, he was wrong. If I had been an EC-Fan-Addict in 1953, I'd have stormed the gates.
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The awfully awful awfulness of "Snow White . . . " |
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"Model Nephew!" |
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"Model Nephew!" |
Jack: More like three doubles and a single. After a striking splash page with the Old Witch, the art in the Ingels story is mediocre, and does referring to "The Monkey's Paw" make it acceptable to retell the same old story yet again? The changes don't improve it. Evans's art on the chess story is much better than Ingels's but the whole story builds to a revelation that is a letdown. The six pages of the Kamen story read like they're 60 pages; this may well be the worst story we've read so far that was written and drawn by EC regulars. As for the Davis story, when you figure out the surprise ending a couple of pages before it comes, the rest of the story is just passing time. Issues like this and this month's Weird Fantasy make me wonder if EC was running out of gas by late '53 and would have petered out on its own even if the Comics Code had not come along.
Jose: Like Peter, my thoughts concerning “Wish You Were Here…” are inextricably bound to the 1972 Amicus production, a film incredibly important to my development and one that left a lasting impression on me ever since I stayed up one fateful evening to excitedly record its airing on AMC’s “Fear Friday” block. And though there are things that I really like that the film added and/or changed, I would say that in the end it’s just a matter of me enjoying each version for their own individual reasons. Case in point: the relative innocence and purity of the characters, much like that of the White family in Jacobs’ source material, greatly bolster our sympathies for Enid and Jason here. Sure they may be a little vain and materialistic, but Enid’s genuine anguish over her husband’s death is like a breath of cold, refreshing air next to all the plotting trollops we’ve had to deal with. You get the sense that it’s her profound love for her husband that pushes her to do what she does in the end, and that makes all the difference in the world. The first two-thirds of “Wish…” may very well come off as old hat, but it’s that final part where the story sails right into EC territory with Jason screaming over his acidic veins and Enid deliriously chopping him down into quivering mush because she just doesn’t know how else to end her husband’s pain. It’s the stuff nightmares are made of.
The rest of the issue is pretty much the standard fare of the day. “Chess-Mate” reels us in with the mystery at the nub of its plot because it’s all so unusual, but then cuts it off at the knees with another play on the Siamese twin gambit, though it must be said that Feldstein does such a good job of building the momentum that it carries us through the familiar finale. My palate for trash must have become desensitized over the course of this marathon, because I didn’t think that “Snow White…” was nearly half as bad as Jack and Peter claim. I could easily point to at least five stories from Mad that look DOA compared to the silly shenanigans on display here. I think that the story’s presence in one of the company’s horror mags is probably the source of at least some of the discord, but otherwise I think this was a perfectly harmless and occasionally funny yarn. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that “Model Nephew” was a lost episode from 90s kid TV staples Goosebumps or Are You Afraid of the Dark? It’s a strictly PG affair with the faint exception of Sidney’s murder and features a nutty comeuppance that would have been perfectly at home in either of those series.
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Wood |
"A New Beginning" ★★ 1/2
Story by Bill Gaines and Al Feldstein
Art by Al Williamson, Bernie Krigstein, Frank Frazetta, and Roy Krenkel
"The Headhunters" ★★★
Story by Bill Gaines and Al Feldstein
Art by George Evans
"My World" ★★ 1/2
Story by Al Feldstein
Art by Wally Wood
"Outcast of the Stars" ★★★★
Story by Ray Bradbury
Adaptation by Al Feldstein
Art by Joe Orlando
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"A New Beginning" with James Dean and Liz Taylor. |
I can't believe I fell for the old Adam and Eve bit again! I guess it was the dazzling art. EC historians have concluded that four artists worked on this story, but only Al Williamson signed it. I don't know who did what, but it looks very good and Eve really looks like Liz Taylor in at least one panel.
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"The Headhunters" battle their way through hair. |
I had to go online to see what a diathermy machine is, and it looks like it's basically an electric heating pad. Very sharp art by George Evans helps make this story enjoyable, though when the spacemen began marching through a jungle of what looked like human hair I had a pretty good idea of what was going on and thus the ending was no big surprise.
Wally Wood takes the reader on a tour of "My World" in a plotless yet gorgeous six pages of examples of things that happen in science fiction stories. I have no idea how this "story" came about, but it's a display of Wood's mastery of everything having to do with science fiction art, from beautiful women to horrible monsters.
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"My World" indeed! |
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"Outcast of the Stars" |
Weird Science finishes its run with this lovely story, perfectly illustrated by Joe Orlando, with Al Feldstein capturing the sort of lyrical wonder that made Ray Bradbury's stories so life-affirming to read.--Jack
Peter: "Outcast of the Stars" (which first appeared in the March 1950 issue of Super Science Stories) has on display all the qualities that have made Ray Bradbury one of the most beloved writers of the 20th Century; there's a fabulous sense of wonder and, magically, a nostalgia for a time that has yet to come (does that even make sense?). "A New Beginning" features a mélange of great artists but the entirety left me cold. Yeah, I love Frazetta and the gang just like the rest of you but there's way too much "posing" going on and not enough of a good story to hang all this talent on. I'm not sure I understand the twist of "The Headhunters" (are these little guys summoned from the great beyond by the diathermy machine and then, when finished with their mission, fry their way out of the patient's brain?) but I loved the eccentricity of the adventure. The most well-known of this issue's quartet is Feldstein's loving "bio" of Wally, "My World," a series of images rather than a story. Taken as a cataloguing of Wally's greatest hits (including the Korean orphan from "A Baby!"), it's an enjoyable anomaly. What a great place EC must have been to work for if the powers-that-be would okay such a square peg. Unlike Weird Fantasy, Weird Science goes out on a high note.
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Thanks, Mr. Wood. ("My World") |
1 "Till Death . . ." (The Vault of Horror #28)
2 "Horror We? How's Bayou?" (The Haunt of Fear #17)
3 "Mars is Heaven!" (Weird Science #18)
4 "Shadow!" (Mad #4)
5 "Split Personality!" (The Vault of Horror #30)
6 "Foul Play!" (The Haunt of Fear #19)
7 "Outer Sanctum!" (Mad #5)
8 "Carrion Death!" (Shock SuspenStories #9)
9 "Strop! You're Killing Me!" (Tales from the Crypt #37)
10 "Whirlpool!" (The Vault of Horror #32)
1 “The Handler” (Tales from the Crypt #36)
2 “Outer Sanctum” (Mad #5)
3 “Lover, Come Hack to Me” (The Haunt of Fear #19)
4 “Whupped” (Frontline Combat #14)
5 “In Gratitude…” (Shock SuspenStories #11)
6 “Keyed Up” (Weird Science #19)
7 “Lower Berth” (Tales from the Crypt #33)
8 “Only Skin Deep…” (Tales from the Crypt #38)
9 “The Loathsome” (Weird Science #20)
10 “The Million Year Picnic” (Weird Fantasy #21)
1 "The Aliens" (Weird Fantasy #17)
2 "Wish You Were Here" (The Haunt of Fear #22)
3 "The Million Year Picnic" (Weird Fantasy #21)
4 "Carrion Death" (Shock SuspenStories 9)
5 "There Shall Come Soft Rains" (Weird Fantasy #17)
6 "Sugar 'N' Spice 'N' . . ." (Shock SuspenStories #6)
7 "Midnight Mess" (Tales from the Crypt #35)
8 "Let the Punishment Fit the Crime" (The Vault of Horror #33)
9 "50 Girls 50" (Weird Science #20)
10 "Judgment Day" (Weird Fantasy #18)
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Next Week . . . The Saga of "Trader" Johnson |
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